
A passionate and result-driven product designer with a proven track record of elevating user experiences and driving project success.

And I embarked on my design journey over 3 years ago with @10kdesigners and have honed my skills and developed my passion for design ever since.

Currently working @JiffyLabs Ex-Design Intern **@Obvious** Runner-Up @Celo Blockchain Hackathon Winner @CarrerPath Hackathon as Team Lead

Some of my work...

Sneak Peak of my recent work!

transaction dark4x.png





My version of Checker Shadow Illusion😋

My version of Checker Shadow Illusion😋

👨🏽‍🎨 Hey! I’ve always had a passion for presenting things in a visually compelling way from an early age. Whether it was creating sketches, banners, designing eye-catching presentations or flashing good UI ROMs for my phone, I have always enjoyed the process of living life through good design. And over the years, this passion has only grown stronger and more skilled.

I share my interest in:

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